Trippl, M., Zukauskaite, E. and Healy, A. (2019) Shaping Smart Specialisation: The Role of Place-Specific Factors in Advanced, Intermediary and Less-Developed European Regions. Regional Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1582763

Eder, J. and Trippl, M.  (2019) Innovation in the periphery: compensation and exploitation strategies. Growth and Change (in press), doi: 10.1111/grow.12328.

Miörner, J. and Trippl, M.  (2019) Embracing the future: path transformation and system reconfiguration for self-driving cars in West Sweden. European Planning Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1652570.

Asheim, B., Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2019) Regional Innovation Systems – An Advanced Introduction. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Asheim, B., Isaksen, A. and Tripp, M. (2019) Regional Advantage - Research Collections. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (in preparation).
Tavassoli, S. and Trippl, M.  (2019) The impact of ethnic communities on immigrant entrepreneurship: evidence from Sweden. Regional Studies, 53(1), 67-79
Parrilli, D., Montresor, S. and Trippl, M. (2019) A new approach to migrations. Communities-on-the-move as assets. Regional Studies, 53(1), 1-5
Hassink, R., Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2019) Towards a comprehensive understanding of new regional industrial path development. Regional Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1566704
Trippl, M., Grillitsch, M. and Isaksen, A. (2018) Exogenous sources of regional industrial change: Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development. Progress in Human Geography, 42(5), 687-705
Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2018) Regional innovation policies for new path development – beyond neo-liberal and traditional systemic views. European Planning Studies (in press) doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1457140
Oinas, P., Trippl, M. and Hössyä, M. (2018) Regional industrial transformations in the interconnected global economy, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 227-240. doi: 10.1093/cjres/rsy015
Grillitsch, M., Asheim, B., Trippl, M. (2018) Unrelated knowledge combinations: The unexplored potential for regional industrial path development. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 257-274. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsy012.
Miörner, J., Zukauskaite, E., Trippl, M. and Moodysson, J. (2018) Creating institutional preconditions for knowledge flows in cross-border regions. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36 (2), 201-218. DOI:10.1177/2399654417704664
Tödtling, F., Isaksen, A. und Trippl, M. (2018) Regions and clusters in the global economy. In R. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, P. Terhorst (eds.) Handbook of the Geographies of Globalization, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 329-339
Trippl, M. und Frangenheim, A. (2018) Regionaler Strukturwandel und neue Pfadentwicklung durch Innovation: Herausforderungen für die Politik. In K. Koschatzky, T. Stahlecker (eds.) Innovationsbasierter regionaler Strukturwandel in Deutschland, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 51-71
Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2017) Exogenously led and policy supported new path development in peripheral regions: analytical and synthetic routes. Economic Geography 93(5), 436-457.
Zukauskaite, E., Trippl, M. and Plechero, M. (2017) Institutional thickness revisited. Economic Geography 93(4), 325-345.
Asheim, B., Grillitsch, M. and Trippl, M. (2017) Introduction: Combinatorial knowledge bases, regional innovation and development dynamics, Economic Geography 93(5), 429-435.
Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2017) Innovation in space. The mosaic of regional development patterns. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 33(1), 122–140 DOI:10.1093/oxrep/grw035
Mörner, J. and Trippl, M. (2017) Paving the way for new regional industrial paths: actors and modes of change in Scania’s games industry. European Planning Studies. Volume 25, No. 3, 481-497 DOI:10.1080/09654313.2016.1212815
Moodysson, J., Trippl, M. and Zukauskaite, E. (2017) Policy learning and smart specialisation. Balancing policy change and continuity for new regional industrial paths. Science and Public Policy 44(3), 382-391.
Martin, R. and Trippl, M. (2017) The evolution of the ICT cluster in southern Sweden – regional innovation systems, knowledge bases and policy actions. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 99(3), 268-283. DOI:10.1080/04353684.2017.1344559


Geographie der Innovation, regionaler Strukturwandel, industrielle Dynamiken und Diversifizierung

Eder, J. and Trippl, M.  (2019) Innovation in the periphery: compensation and exploitation strategies. Growth and Change (in press), doi: 10.1111/grow.12328.
Miörner, J. and Trippl, M.  (2019) Embracing the future: path transformation and system reconfiguration for self-driving cars in West Sweden. European Planning Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1652570.
Asheim, B., Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2019) Regional Innovation Systems – An Advanced Introduction. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Hassink, R., Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2019) Towards a comprehensive understanding of new regional industrial path development. Regional Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1566704
Asheim, B., Isaksen, A. and Tripp, M. (2019) Regional Advantage - Research Collections. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (in preparation).
Trippl, M., Grillitsch, M. and Isaksen, A. (2018) Exogenous sources of regional industrial change: Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development. Progress in Human Geography, 42(5), 687-705
Oinas, P., Trippl, M. and Hössyä, M. (2018) Regional industrial transformations in the interconnected global economy, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 227-240. doi: 10.1093/cjres/rsy015
Grillitsch, M., Asheim, B., Trippl, M. (2018) Unrelated knowledge combinations: The unexplored potential for regional industrial path development. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 257-274. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsy012.
Tödtling, F., Isaksen, A. und Trippl, M. (2018) Regions and clusters in the global economy. In R. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, P. Terhorst (eds.) Handbook of the Geographies of Globalization, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 329-339.
Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M.(2017) Exogenously led and policy supported new path development in peripheral regions: analytical and synthetic routes. Economic Geography 93(5), 436-457.
Zukauskaite, E., Trippl, M. and Plechero, M. (2017) Institutional thickness revisited. Economic Geography 93(4), 325-345.
Asheim, B., Grillitsch, M. and Trippl, M. (2017) Introduction: Combinatorial knowledge bases, regional innovation and development dynamics, Economic Geography 93(5), 429-435.
Martin, R. and Trippl, M. (2017) The evolution of the ICT cluster in southern Sweden – regional innovation systems, knowledge bases and policy actions. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 99(3), 268-283. DOI:10.1080/04353684.2017.1344559
Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2017) Innovation in space. The mosaic of regional development patterns. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 33(1), 122–140. DOI:10.1093/oxrep/grw035
Mörner, J. and Trippl, M. (2017) Paving the way for new regional industrial paths: actors and modes of change in Scania’s games industry. European Planning Studies 25(3), 481-497. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2016.1212815
Isaksen, A. and Trippl, M. (2016) Regional industrial path development in different types of regions: a conceptual analysis. In D. Parrilli, R. Fitjar, A. Rodriguez-Pose (eds.) Innovation drivers and regional innovation strategy, Routledge, London, pp. 66-84
Trippl, M., Asheim, B. and Miörner, J. (2016) Identification of regions with less developed research and innovation systems. In D. Parrilli, R. Fitjar, A. Rodriguez-Pose (eds.) Innovation drivers and regional innovation strategy, Routledge, London, pp. 23-44
Trippl, M., Grillitsch, M., Isaksen, A. and Sinozic, T. (2016) Understanding cluster evolution. In F. Belussi, JL Hervas-Oliver (eds.) Unfolding cluster evolution, Routledge, London, pp. 267-281
Asheim, B., Grillitsch, M. and Trippl, M. (2016) Regional innovation systems: past – presence – future. In D. Doloreux, R. Shearmur, C. Carrincazeux (eds.) Handbook of the geographies of innovation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 45-62.
Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2016) How do firms acquire knowledge in different sectoral and regional contexts? In D. Doloreux, R. Shearmur, C. Carrincazeux (eds.) Handbook of the geographies of innovation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 142-154.

Regionale Innovationspolitik

Trippl, M., Zukauskaite, E. and Healy, A. (2019) Shaping Smart Specialisation: The Role of Place-Specific Factors in Advanced, Intermediary and Less-Developed European Regions. Regional Studies (in press), doi: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1582763.
Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2018) Regional innovation policies for new path development – beyond neo-liberal and traditional systemic views. European Planning Studies (in press) doi: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1457140
Belussi, F. and Trippl, M. (2018) Industrial districts/clusters and smart specialisation. In F. Belussi, J. Hervas Oliver (eds.) Agglomeration and firm performance, Springer, pp. 283-308
Grillitsch, M. and Trippl, M. (2018) Innovation policies and new regional growth paths: a place-based system failure framework. In J. Niosi, Innovation systems, policy and management, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 329-358
Isaksen, A., Martin, R. and Trippl, M. (Eds.) (2018) New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons, Springer.
Trippl, M. and Frangenheim, A. (2018) Regionaler Strukturwandel und neue Pfadentwicklung durch Innovation: Herausforderungen für die Politik. In K. Koschatzky, T. Stahlecker (eds.) Innovationsbasierter regionaler Strukturwandel in Deutschland, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 51-71
Asheim, B., Isaksen, A., Martin, R. and Trippl, M. (2017) The role of clusters and public policy in new regional economic path development. In D. Fornahl, R. Hassink (eds.) The life cycle of clusters: a policy perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 13-34.
Asheim, B., Grillitsch, M. and Trippl, M. (2017) Smart Specialization as an innovation-driven strategy for economic diversification: Examples from Scandinavian regions. In S. Radosevic, A. Curaj, L. Andreescu, R. Gheorgiu and I. Wade (Hrsg.), Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization. London: Academic Press, pp. 73-97.
Moodysson, J., Trippl, M. and Zukauskaite, E. (2017) Policy learning and smart specialisation. Balancing policy change and continuity for new regional industrial paths. Science and Public Policy 44(3), 382-391. DOI:10.1093/scipol/scw071
Isaksen, A., Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2016) Innovation policies for regional structural change: combining actor-based and system-based strategies. SRE-Discussion 2016/05, Vienna University of Economics and Business. LinkPdf

Mobilität und Migration von hochqualifizierten Arbeitskräften

Tavassoli, S. and Trippl, M.  (2019) The impact of ethnic communities on immigrant entrepreneurship: evidence from Sweden. Regional Studies, 53(1), 67-79
Parrilli, D., Montresor, S. and Trippl, M. (2019) A new approach to migrations. Communities-on-the-move as assets. Regional Studies, 53(1), 1-5
Trippl, M. (2013) Islands of Innovation as Magnetic Centres of Star Scientists? Empirical Evidence on Spatial Concentration and Mobility Patterns. Regional Studies 47(2), 229-244
Trippl, M. (2013) Scientific Mobility and Knowledge Transfer at the Interregional and Intraregional Level. Regional Studies 47(10), 1653-1667.

Rolle von Hochschulen in der Regionalentwicklung

Trippl, M., Sinozic and Lawton Smith, H. (2015) The role of universities in regional development: conceptual models and policy institutions in the UK, Sweden and Austria. European Planning Studies 23(9), 1722-1740 DOI:10.1080/09654313.2015.1052782
Trippl, M. (2015) Die Rolle von Hochschulen in der Regionalentwicklung. In M. Fritsch, P. Pasternack, M. Titze (eds.) Schrumpfende Regionen – dynamische Hochschulen, Springer, Wiesbaden

Grenzüberschreitende Regionalentwicklung

Miörner, J., Zukauskaite, E., Trippl, M. and Moodysson, J. (2018) Creating institutional preconditions for knowledge flows in cross-border regions. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36 (2), 201-218. DOI:10.1177/2399654417704664
Trippl, M. (2018) Innovationsdynamiken und Integrationsprozesse in grenzüberschreitenden Wirtschaftsregionen: Grenzen als Triebkräfte und Barrieren verstärkter Zusammenarbeit. In M. Heintel, R. Musil, N. Weixlbaumer (eds.) Grenzen, Springer, pp. 135-157.
Lundquist, K.-J. and Trippl, M. (2013) Distance, proximity and types of cross-border innovation systems: A conceptual analysis. Regional Studies 47(3), 450-460.

Forschungsprojekte (laufend / jüngst abgeschlossen):

  • Digital transformation of regional industries and the public sector (Norwegian Research Council. Partners: University of Agder (Norway)
  • Renewal of mature industries in Sweden: Institutional preconditions and routes of innovation (Marianne and Markus Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden). Partners: Jönköping University, International Business School (Sweden), CIRCLE Lund University (Sweden)
  • Path development in different regional settings: Regional policy approaches in the global economy (Norwegian Research Council). Partners: University of Agder (Norway), University of Stavanger (Norway), University of Bergen (Norway), Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Spain)
  • Smart specialisation for regional innovation (European Commission’s Framework Programme). Partners: University of Cardiff (UK), University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands), University of Padova (Italy), Fundacion Deusto (Spain), Charles University Prague (Czech Republic), Claire Nauwelaers (Belgium)